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What Goes Around, Comes Around

Lately, I have been seeing a few film projects that really seem worthwhile. I decided, as I have in the past, to donate some funds to help these projects get off the ground. The latest two were pretty cool. First there is "The Spirit of Love", the Story of Mike "Stinger" Glenn, a pro basketball [...]

By |March 13th, 2012|Acting 411|Comments Off on What Goes Around, Comes Around

Up to the UNIVERSE!

Cool things are happening. Had an audition for a well-known TV show. Another audition for a feature film and I already got the callback. 2011 has been an interesting year. Many good things happened. I met many new friends. I filmed some way cool movies. I worked hard at my craft and attended almost all [...]

By |December 13th, 2011|Acting 411|Comments Off on Up to the UNIVERSE!

The Red Revolution!

Last Wednesday night I saw myself on the BIG SCREEN! It was a cast and crew screening of "Spectrauma" and WOW! This indie film was the first time I ever was filmed using a RED digital camera. I have to say the Red Camera holds its own against analog film. The clarity is unbelievable. Other [...]

By |November 18th, 2011|Acting 411|Comments Off on The Red Revolution!

SAG Eligible

Great news. Kevin is now SAG eligible. What that means is that I was given a speaking part in a SAG project. In this case it was "Mind's Eye". Now I have to decide whether or not to join the union. Maybe another SAG project will come my way. Either way, I am excited. Mind's [...]

By |June 10th, 2011|Acting 411|Comments Off on SAG Eligible

The Odyssey Begins!

Yesterday, 5/18, we had a final table read for Mind's Eye with many of the principal actors, sans the big two. Our director, Mark Grove, watched intently as we made our way through the script. At the end we had conversations about our characters and character arcs. It was extremely helpful. He has given us [...]

By |May 20th, 2011|Acting 411|Comments Off on The Odyssey Begins!

Countdown to shooting Mind’s Eye

Well, we are off. Yesterday, April 10, we had a wardrobe fitting for Mind's Eye. My first day of shooting will be 5/23. That is about six weeks away. This independent film has come to be something I never really expected. The cast, a mixture of Hollywood A-listers, and the finest talent in New York, [...]

By |April 11th, 2011|Acting 411|Comments Off on Countdown to shooting Mind’s Eye
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